Category Archives: Rev. Jerimiah Wright

Obama has anti-Semitic roots

Barack Obama said he is a friend of Israel and a supporter of the American-Israeli relationship, but his policy towards Israel is anti-Semitic. My guess is that twenty years of personal friendship and pastoring  by Rev. Wright twisted Obama’s worldview. Let me explain. Jeremiah Wright is tight with the Nation of Islam leader, Louis Farrakhan, […]
Also posted in Iran threat to Israel, Islamists, Israel, Louis Farrakhan, Moamar Qaddafi, National Security, Netanyahu, Obama anti-Semiticism, Promoting Islamic adjenda, Sharia Law, Six Day War | 9 Comments

Peeling the Obama Onion

While Barak Obama ran for the Presidency in 2008 very few reporters investigated his background. When, Sean Hannity questioned Obama’s political sympathies and ties to the radical black liberation preacher, Jeremiah Wright, the Fox News reporter was accused of racism and bigotry. Of course, no other reporters wanted any part of that. Instead, they experienced […]
Also posted in Agenda of the Muslim Brotherhood, Cordoba Project, Ground Zero Mosque, Islamic Jihad, Islamic State in America, Islamists, Jihad Denial Syndrome, Louis Farrakhan, Moamar Qaddafi, Muslim Brotherhood in America, National Security, Sharia Law | 100 Comments